Monday 2/10/20

We started the morning with DEAR. In Math, we once again reviewed 2x2digit multiplication strategies (box, lattice, stacking/traditional algorithm). Students had more time to work on their textbook pages 94 and 95. We have a quick check in on Wednesday. In LA, we worked on more Showing not Telling by practicing describing different situations. For Social, we started working on 3 (or more!) diary entries from the perspective of someone involved in the fur trade. In Science, students analyzed how to open and close circuits.

If students are interested in handing out valentines on Wednesday, that is totally fine so long as they bring a card for everyone in our class (there are 25 students and I have a list of names if needed!).

Overdue Work:
- Mot Mystere
- January quote
- Decade Writing
- 4 Saisons Vetements VJ page

This week is Teacher's Convention on Thursday and Friday, so there will be no school for students on February 13 and 14. There is also no school on Monday, February 17.

There are a few remaining Koalas for a Kause ($3.50 each) if you are interested in supporting the Australian animals affected by the fires.


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