
Showing posts from April, 2020

Happy Long Weekend!

Hello 5MW Families, I hope you've had a good first week of remote learning in our Google Classroom. I would like to thank you all for your hard work, patience and support! Just a reminder: - Tomorrow is a Stat Holiday, so there is no new work being posted or expectation for students to be working. However, the week's work is still up and available for those who choose to work on it tomorrow. - Monday is a Professional Learning Day for the teachers. We will be attending online/virtual PD to enrich our understanding of this new learning environment. - Tuesday will be the first day of the school week for students. New templates will be sent out and posted in the Classroom, along with the week's assignments. I wish you all a safe and happy long weekend!

How to Submit Assignments in Google Classroom

Hi everyone! Please see the video below for instructions on how to submit assignments. Let me know if you have any questions. I hope to see you all at our second Google Meet tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11:00am. I will send the code to student emails just before the meeting starts.

Friday 4/3/20

Thank-you for your flexibility and enthusiasm as we begin this process of emergency distance learning! As I've mentioned, we are building toward the launch of our Google Classroom on Monday morning. This will be a very important space that will function as our online classroom. This is where you will be able to find important information, your assigned work for each week, and resources necessary to complete that work. When you first log in to the Classroom on Monday (through a link that will arrive in your educbe email that morning), the amount of work there might look overwhelming. I have decided to upload a whole week's worth of work at once, to allow you to work through it at the pace that works best for you. Some of the assignments have been split up by day of the week; this is a suggestion to help you decide what to work on when. However, it is ultimately up to you and your family how you would like to progress through. Feel free to do more than the one day's wort

Thursday 4/2/20

Thanks to all who were able to join our Google Meet. Going forward, we will be using Google Classroom, email and the blog for learning and communication. I will be sending out emails to students with the Google Classroom invite as soon as we are allowed to. This will be done by Monday morning at the latest. Thanks for your support and patience as we adjust to this new way of learning!

How to Access Google Meets

Please see the video below for help on how to get into Google Meet:

Google Meet Info for Thursday

Hi Everyone! I will be sending the link for our Google Meet tomorrow, just before our meeting starts. Please check your student emails for this. Here are some things to think about before tomorrow: I look forward to trying this out! Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions.

Wednesday 4/1/20

Hello 5MW Families, Please find attached Google Meet and Google Classroom here , an informational letter regarding Google Classroom & Meet information. We have planned our first 5MW class Google Meet for Thursday, April 2 at 2:30pm.  If this changes, I will email and post on the classroom blog ASAP.  I am excited to try this new platform out with our class! For those of you I spoke with yesterday, it was great to connect! I will be making more calls today in hopes of reaching everyone.