Friday 2/28/20

This morning in Math, students had more time to practice their 3-digit by 1-digit division, as well as a challenge problem. Mr. Risdon taught us about "The Long Division Family" as a way to remember the steps in long division.

We had an assembly where some of the music for our opera was revealed. We had time for DEAR, QR/WOW and we ended the day with a whole-school mental health activity: mindful colouring. If you would like some more colouring pages, please check out this website:

Please return field trip forms as soon as possible next week. Our field trip is Wednesday, March 11.

Lunchroom childcare tax receipts are coming home today for the period of January - June 2019 (the end of last year), so please ensure that your child gives this to you if applicable. Students will also be bringing this receipt home for siblings who were in grade 6 at our school last year.

Overdue Work:
- January Quote
- Decade Writing
- 4 Saisons Vetements VJ
- pgs. 90-91 Math text
- Mock Fur Trade reflection
- Electricity Visual Dictionary


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